Should the hospital water be tested for Legionella?

My mother entered the hospital with complaint of gastrointestinal problems. She was told by admitting physician lungs were clear. Three days later she was diagnosed with pneumonia. I have spoken with several families in ICU they state their family members entered hospital without any respiratory symptoms yet they developed legionella pneumonia. I would like some guidance on how to proceed to get this hospital water system tested, I fully believe she contracted the pneumonia in the hospital. How in the world can we get this water tested and what laws do physicians have governing their reporting Legionnaires’ disease in a hospital. Should the hospital water be tested?

It is a requirement that the hospital inform the health department of your mother’s case of Legionnaires’ disease. The CDC also recommends that when a case of Legionnaires’ disease occurs in a hospital, the hospital water supply should be cultured since this is a likely source. You should point this fact out to the doctor taking care of your mother. You can also call the county health department and ask that they investigate. You have asked an important question. I hope that the hospital has already taken steps to investigate.