Sequelae after Legionnaires’ disease?

I had a very serious case of Legionella in May 2011, and returned to work about six months later, but I am now on sick leave due to concentration problems, lack of energy, and occasional breathing problems. I have seen reports that this is quite common, but do you have any statistics on how long it takes and if/how large a share of patients will have to live with this?


The patients with the longest sequelae (fatigue and difficulty concentrating are common problems) are those who were hospitalized for long periods in the ICU. In some of these patients, symptoms persisted for a year to 18 months. However, virtually all make a full recovery eventually.

I generally recommend to continue working despite the fatigue, since resting over a long period of time also contributes to lack of energy, prolonging the recovery. Stopping cigarette smioking is a major step forward.

Keep in mind that when I first encountered Legionnaires’ disease, the mortality was an incredible 40%. You have been cured with a few weeks of powerful antibiotics. The mortality is now <5% for those patients who receive the correct antibiotic early in the course. I would focus on activities including exercise, extra-curricular activities, and work to hasten your recovery.

Good Luck!