Can Legionnaire’s disease lead to prolonged diarrhea?

My 82-year old father in law was diagnosed 4 weeks ago and has been in the hospital. He was discharged two weeks ago but still has diarrhea and sickness. He is losing weight and is now quite weak. He has also been diagnosed with Barret’s Oesophagus.



The acute symptoms of Legionnaires’ disease respond readily to antibiotic therapy including fever and diarrhea. However, weakness and fatigue can persist for months. The possibility of persistent diarrhea induced by antibiotic therapy should be considered (Clostridium difficile colitis). This illness can be checked by a laboratory test using the patient’s stool.

Epilogue: You were absolutely correct – my father in law was diagnosed with Clostridium difficile. However, he sadly died ten days ago. Many thanks for your reply.